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with Mentally Stronger

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Social gatherings drain me. Why don't people understand this?

I feel drained after social gatherings and need a lot of time alone to recharge, but my friends and family don’t understand. How can I explain that I'm not being rude. I just need a break to be myself sometimes?

How can I help a friend who lost her husband?

It's been six months since my friend's husband passed away. She seems overwhelmed with grief and I worry that she is getting worse, not better. It's taken a long time for her to just get her feet under her with figuring out the finances and stuff. Now, she just seems so sad and isolated and lost. Is there anything I can do to help her?

How do you handle the stress of making a career change?

I'm considering a career change but I'm afraid of making the wrong decision. At the same time, I feel like staying put is just sucking the life out of me. How do I know if I'm just thinking the grass will be greener somewhere else? Maybe it will be just as bad in the other career I want.