Ask Me Anything

with Mentally Stronger

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How can I become more vulnerable?

What are ways that I can practice being more vulnerable with my partner and my adult children? It makes me feel needy and I really don’t know where to start

How do you get the confidence to get started?

Sometimes I want to write a book or start a business or do something big, but then I think I have no business thinking I could do something big. How do you get the confidence to get started?

How do I not blow my progress in a moment of weakness?

I'm trying to get healthier. I am exercising and eating better most of the time. When I'm having a bad day though I grab fast food and indulge. When I'm upset I snack all afternoon. I think it only takes one day or a few hours to undo all the progress I make the rest of the week. How do I stop that?


Hi Amy, how can we become mentally stronger when dealing with infertility and childlessness not by choice? My husband and I tried to conceive for 7 years but couldn’t due to health issues, we started classes on adopting years ago but quickly learned how incredibly stressful and unstable the process is and are not sure we could handle it (like if adoption failed after we bonded with the child). It has been almost ten years since my hysterectomy solidified our infertility and my heart still hurts every time a friend/coworker/family member gets pregnant, every time anyone asks if I have children, etc. It’s almost as painful now as it was years ago and I would love any tips you have to help.

When to stop

Hi Amy So I have a problem which has been there for God knows how many years but I have realised it just now . I work as an actor and writer and my work brings me a lot of joy . Having said that , this line of work has its own set of challenges and frustrations like any other job does . There are deadlines to be met and there is pressure to perform . But I am not complaining because these are all ‘good problems’ to have . Now my issue is, since I enjoy my work I don’t know where to draw a line and stop. I keep working and then get exhausted for the everything else . The result is edginess and irritability which bleeds into other areas of my day. I have recently realised that by brain gets all exhausted and demands a relief which leads to this restlessness . I don’t know when to call it a day when it comes to my work. ( especially writing ) In one of your episodes you spoke about 10 min rules to get the momentum . I have tried it and it works like magic for so many things . I wanted to know if there is a time limit for the other side also ?? Are there any strategies to know that you ought to stop and take a break now ? What are the red flags to look out for ? Plz help .