Ask Me Anything

with Mentally Stronger

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How can I become more vulnerable?

What are ways that I can practice being more vulnerable with my partner and my adult children? It makes me feel needy and I really don’t know where to start

How do you get the confidence to get started?

Sometimes I want to write a book or start a business or do something big, but then I think I have no business thinking I could do something big. How do you get the confidence to get started?

How do I not blow my progress in a moment of weakness?

I'm trying to get healthier. I am exercising and eating better most of the time. When I'm having a bad day though I grab fast food and indulge. When I'm upset I snack all afternoon. I think it only takes one day or a few hours to undo all the progress I make the rest of the week. How do I stop that?

My wife wants to visit her family for Christmas but I don't want to leave my dad alone. What should I do?

I feel like I'm in an impossible situation. My wife says she feels like we need to take the kids to her parents house for Christmas and spend two nights there. It's about a 5 hour drive. Normally I'd be fine doing this but I'm concerned about leaving my dad home alone on Christmas. My sister is visiting her in-laws in another state so she won't be able to visit him and we don't really have any other family members he could spend the day with. He's 71 and it breaks my heart to imagine him sitting at home eating a TV dinner by himself on Christmas. Do I put my foot down and tell my wife we need to visit my Dad this year?

Giving up alcohol for 30 days

I have tried to give up alcohol for 30 days a few times. I don't think I have an alcohol problem but I can't go 30 days straight so does that mean I really do have a problem? I mostly drink socially but sometimes drink after a stressful day and I convince myself I deserve to drink. If I can't go 30 days is that a real problem? And what do I do about it?