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with Mentally Stronger

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My 7-year-old doesn't like the way he looks. What do I do?

Yesterday my son, who is 7 and half year old , as he was washing his face looked in the mirror and said “ mumma I don’t like the way I look . My head is too big and mouth is too small and ears are like a monkey. I look like a monkey.” I had absolutely no idea how to react to this. I asked him if anyone has told him so.. to which he replied NO .. he said I think I look like a monkey . I did not react at all.The conversation got deflected when he started talking about other random things . What do I tell my little one ? How do I make him understand that these thoughts are not helpful . And also what is the right way to react to a child when you don’t have an answer. I don’t want to tell him that he is wrong and he is good looking. Please help.

Am I'm not sure I forgive my mother. What does that say about my mental strength?

When I was growing up, my mom dated and married several abusive alcoholic men. They were abusive to me and my siblings in many ways. I have an okay relationship with my mom most of the time now that I'm an adult. I have moments where I think she likely didn't know any better and that's why she allowed those things to happen. She grew up in a horrible environment and probably did the best she could raising us. Then I have other moments where I'm mad at her and think she could have stopped the abuse at any time but didn't and I don't forgive her. Sometimes I think I'm just fooling myself into thinking I forgive her so I can mov on. At other times, I think forgiving her would mean I am letting her off the hook. What's the relationship between mental strength and forgiveness? And what does it say if I don't really forgive my mom?

How do you get the confidence to get started?

Sometimes I want to write a book or start a business or do something big, but then I think I have no business thinking I could do something big. How do you get the confidence to get started?

How do I not blow my progress in a moment of weakness?

I'm trying to get healthier. I am exercising and eating better most of the time. When I'm having a bad day though I grab fast food and indulge. When I'm upset I snack all afternoon. I think it only takes one day or a few hours to undo all the progress I make the rest of the week. How do I stop that?

How do I respond to mean comments from a friend?

I have a "friend" who says mean things. It's like she can't give a compliment without adding an insult to it. Or she teases me but the jokes she makes seem serious, like she is actually jealous or she is trying to make me feel bad. Here's an example. If she comes for dinner, she might say, "Oh this is delicious. Way better than that last meal you made where the noodles were still crunchy and the edges were burned!" And she says stuff like that in front of other people. How do I know if I'm being too sensitive or if she is being rude and how do I respond to those things?