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with Mentally Stronger

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Am I suppressing my childhood trauma or unfazed by it?

This seems like a silly question but I don't know what to think. I had a rough childhood but I know a lot of people did. I don't particularly care and I don't think I'm traumatized from it. In fact, I think it taught me a lot about life and I'm glad I went through it. I hear people talk about healing their childhood wounds and figuring out the unhealthy stuff they learned from childhood and part of me wonders if I'm just pretending it didn't bother me. Or maybe I learned bad habits and don't recognize them? Then I think maybe I'm just overthinking.

What's the best treatment for social anxiety?

The older I get, the more I realize how social anxiety has affected my life. I created a life that feels safe to me but now I realize I missed out on a lot of opportunities. I want to work on fixing my social anxiety so I can build a bigger life but that would require a lot more social interaction. What's the best way to overcome social anxiety?

I lost my job and I'm having trouble staying mentally strong. What can I do?

I was unexpectedly let go from my job three months ago. I'd worked there for about 10 years and was blindsided. I thought I'd be able to find a new job pretty fast but it's taking a lot longer than I imagined. I'm a professional with a lot of good experience. I've applied for a lot of jobs and only had a few interviews but no luck. I'm discouraged and starting to feel panicked as I need to get a job soon. I've been meditating every day, exercising, and trying to take care of myself but I still feel awful. I have an interview next week for a job I don't even really want but I'm starting to feel a little desperate. How can I stay mentally strong when I'm out of work and can't get a new job?

How do you deal with a negative thought that's true?

I listened to episode 128 about dealing with negative thoughts that aren't true. But how do you deal with a negative thought that is true. Sometimes I tell myself I'm not not as good at math as other people. That's true. Sometimes I think I'm not in as good of shape as I wanted to be at this age. That's true also. So how do I deal with those thoughts that are negative, yet accurate statements?


Hi Amy, how can we become mentally stronger when dealing with infertility and childlessness not by choice? My husband and I tried to conceive for 7 years but couldn’t due to health issues, we started classes on adopting years ago but quickly learned how incredibly stressful and unstable the process is and are not sure we could handle it (like if adoption failed after we bonded with the child). It has been almost ten years since my hysterectomy solidified our infertility and my heart still hurts every time a friend/coworker/family member gets pregnant, every time anyone asks if I have children, etc. It’s almost as painful now as it was years ago and I would love any tips you have to help.